Thursday, January 24


I am already really starting to think about what life with two under two is going to be like, and how I want to make it as easy (and happy) as possible. As I've already mentioned, James will be making a move to the second floor. I am excited about decorating his room, and making him a secret hideout in one of the crawl spaces. I am actually excited about moving the office into the basement too, as I would be able to use the computer while watching TV, or work while James watched a movie (just dreaming that it could really happen). There are also a couple of other changes that we will be making that will improve life with two immensely. The biggest change - a new van! We've been van shopping for a while, and have finally decided on a 2008 Dodge Caravan. We haven't ordered it yet, but soon and very soon I shall be able to transfer my children with ease - and MUCH less strain on my back! Woohoo! The other great option with the van is that we will likely be hauling a bigger stroller! I really like the new Graco Quattro Tour Duo, and will ask for money for my birthday in June to get it. I love that I can use my Graco SnugRide carseat in it! So that is some of our plans thus far, if you have any great advice about making life easier with two under two - let me know! I'm all for suggestions and things to try!


Renee Shaw said...

It definitly would be nice to have a van with 2 kids! Something we don't have yet, but soon!
That stroller also looks really neat! I'd love to get a double one as well, but really I have a double jogger to use in summer, so I don't really need a double stroller, it would be a luxury.
But yay for babies! haha

Janelle said...

that's a very nice van! speaking of vans - if you want to only spend $9000 for a really great van - let me know cause we would like to sell ours! :)
(just a little plug!)
and the stroller is a MUST! though i've been thinking that i'll be kinda lucky when we have another one cause Kamryn will be old enough she won't NEED a stroller...bonus! :)
love ya!

Trev and Rebekah said...

I love the look of the stroller.

Roo said...

nice! :) my oldest will be 2.5 when #2 comes along so we just bought a "sit and stand" stroller from target.

Roo said...

that's 2.5 as in 2.5 YEARS. thought i should clarify. ;)

Christy said...

A double stroller is a must! Liv will be a year next month and I just finally bought a double. I should have bought it alot sooner! I thought that Tristan, who is going to be 4, would be fine to just walk everywhere but when we go on long walks he gets tired easy so the double was a must! Other than a double stroller, and a van you are all set. Unless of course they sold an extra set of arms because somedays you need those too! So excited for you!

Erica H said...

Looks like you're set! :) We LOVE our new van! I don't know how we did it without one...I definitely think I'll go with a double stroller when the time comes. That would make shopping a 'tad' bit easier with 2, I'm sure.

Andrea said...

Vans are SOOO much handier than cars! I'm so thankful we have one, and I know you'll love it too! And 1 thing that I know I will be using LIKE CRAZY when our baby #2 arrives in June is my baby carriers - like my wrap, sling, etc...because that way, the little one can nap/nurse/be held if they are fussy, etc. and you can still tend to your other child, or whatever else you need to tend to. I definitely think this will make life with 2 a LOT easier. :)

derek salmon said...

hi. i havent written in a long time. our sons were due around the same time so i followed the pregnancies of you, jamie, and i was last to deliver!

i also got the sit n' stand stroller from target. my first two were 21 months apart. i used the regular stroller with ezekiel in a baby bjorn for the first couple months. then used the sit n' stand after that (it has a very handy infant carseat attachment so you can transfer the sleeping baby). i live up the hill from the park, and the stroller did get pretty heavy after not too long.

at this point, i try to get my daughter to walk (she'll be 3 in a month).

anyway, hope this pregnancy is going well for you and i look forward to checking in on you :)

God bless!

Teri said...

yay for planning! we have a toyota sienna and i LOVE it - wouldn't go back to a car with the kids for anything.

as for strollers, i would recommend noot buying it until baby is here. i didn't like mine once jake was born. too bulky and awkward to use. i love my jogging stroller and if they weren't so big, i'd want a double if we ever have another!