Wednesday, August 20

More Questions Answered...

I had a few more questions come in after my last post, so I thought I would answer them now. Two people, Nin and Dianna, asked how I met my hubby. I wish I had a long and dramatic love story, but it's not that exciting!

When I was in grade 12 I worked at a local restaurant as a waitress. Ryan was in University at the time, and came in almost every evening to drink coffee and study. Ryan and I both grew up in the same town, but he is nine years older than me so we didn't grow up really knowing each other at all. His mom and my mom have been friends for years, as his mom took art lessons with my mom. Anyway, Ryan and I became friends during that time, but I was dating someone else at the time. After I graduated I went off to Briercrest Bible College, where I again dated other guys, but kept in contact with Ryan. In fact, he was one of the few friends that actually called me regularly while I was there. When I got home that fall Ryan was the first person to contact me and get together. After that, things just continued to happen until one day we realized that we were, in fact, dating! Three years later he proposed to me on a beach in BC, and we will celebrate 5 years of marriage together on September 13th of this year. I wouldn't say it was an instant bond, but I definately always enjoyed spending time with him - the deep love developed over time. (Sadly, this is probably the most recent photo of Ryan and I together!)

Sarah asked me what I love most about my husband. That is a tough question to answer! What I really love most about Ryan is that he puts up with my moods, and seems to be willing to take the brunt of my tendency to bottle my emotions and then just suddenly explode with them! If he wasn't able to do that, our marriage would fail. I love it that he is in it with me for the long haul. I also like it that he isn't afraid to show me affection, even in public or when others are around. It makes me feel that he is proud of me, and that he want people to know that he loves me.

Lindsay asked when it was that I last laughed so hard my stomach hurt. That happened last week at Bible study when all us girls began to dance around my basement to praise & worship music!

She also asked what my best learning-to-drive story is. I think it is probably while I was in Driver's Ed. We were out doing our practice driving with the instructor, and I went through a stop sign. He slammed on his brakes, and we came to dead hault in the middle of the intersection. He was usually a pretty relaxed, happy guy - but he gave me a horrible look, and said "Excuse me, THAT was a stop sign". Oops! In my own defense, there was a large bush nearly blocking that sign which was later removed by the town.


Nin said...

aw! I love it!
I don't care what you say....that story WAS a romantic love story! The kind you would see on a movie, where you'd yell at the tv and say "come on you guys! just get together already!" and be upset having to watch them date other people but always come back to eachother. So sweet.

I think that might have to be the same thing I love most about my husband. I've been reminded especially in these last weeks, that if my husband wasn't the rock he is, I don't know where we'd be. It's amazing to have such an amazing supportive husband who loves you in the good and bad, the ups and downs.

Your driving story reminds me of the movie Clueless. "oops! I totally paused!"

Gina said...

LOL, had to laugh at your driver's Ed story.... I always found it funny the teacher had a "brake" too!!

Lindsay said...

Your Drivers' Ed story did not disappoint. Thank you :)

Erica H said...

I'm learing a lot about you through these posts! They're great!