Monday, July 21

Happy 20 Months James!

Wow - where is the time going?! I have a 20 month-old. He is fabulous! I have a million things to say about him, but I also have no time. My internet is still not working all the time, we have family out visiting... and well, I have a toddler running the household! It's so much fun - each day just gets better and better with him. My favourite thing in the world is hearing him talking, especially when he says "Thank you mommy", with a big grin. James is one HUGE blessing from God.

Thank you Lord for my beautiful son. He means the world, and more, to us!


Trev and Rebekah said...

We have toddlers! They are not babies anymore! Wow, I really think it will be neat to see our boys interact together again in a few weeks.
Love ya!

Erica H said...

Wow! I can't believe he's already 20 months! Only 4 more months until his second birthday!! Unbelievable!