Monday, April 21

Seventeen Months

Wow, my little monkey is 17 months old today!

He's LOVES his Kitty!

Being helpful like Grandpa.

Painting a picture for Isaiah.

The finished product.

Driving his four-wheeler (yes, he can drive it by himself)!

Being a goofball.
Wagon rides with Isaiah.
Running, and more running!
Just plain cute - scars and all!


Trev and Rebekah said...

What cute boys we have. Hey can I get a copy of that wagon pic?

Kim Funk said...

hey heather its been awhile since i have commented, justbeing lazy i guess, but you guys do have cute boys. Awww those are all beautiful pictures...James is looking more and more like a boy and less like a "baby boy" wow time flys!!

blessings to you

Wenona said...

I love his eyes and his smile - so beautiful!! I can't believe he's 17 months already. Time really flies.

Nin said...

aw! so cute as always :)
I love how hip he is too! Such an in style little guy.
Even his scar is cute, could he BE any cuter?

Drea said...

He is just precious!

Kim Funk said...

I need to be intouch with you soon in the next few months, i would like to put a verse up in our nursery as well Whats your email? Will it work being that live in saskatoon and you live there?? and also i need to inquire about pricing!!

Anonymous said...

Kim - You can email me by clicking on the "Email Me" tab at the top of my blog. I can definately do a verse for you, and have it sent to S'toon. Pricing varies, so I can try to give you a ballpark based on what you want.

Ang said...

arg, feel just like you felt when you saw my blog this evening.
Heather, could you please tell me where you got those great paints. Our finger paints are all cheesy colors (how will my children ever appreciate fine art if i only let them paint with primary colors?!) Plus, they don't go with our color scheme if i want to put their art up on the fridge.
ugh, late night jokey blog comments should never be posted. When will i learn.