Sunday, November 4

Blogger's Block

I wanted to write something today that would be encouraging, uplifting, motivating, inspiring... but I have been sitting here for almost an hour now, and just completely erased everything that I just typed.

Because, the truth is I haven't been focusing on God properly lately, and it's noticeable. I haven't been doing my daily Bible reading. I haven't been starting off my day with prayer, and then following up with positive thoughts about how I want my day to go. I haven't been grabbing the opportunities that have been thrown in my path. I haven't done much of anything for God at all (or so it feels). I've been worrying. I've been neglecting. I've been chasing "other gods", so to speak. And that's the plain truth.

I could blame it on things like "I'm busy", "I'm tired", blah, blah, blah... Or I could start making up things in my head, and blame my friends like "Well, this wouldn't happen if someone would just call to encourage me every now and then". Then I could just sink into a nice hole of self pity, and stay there a while. Wouldn't that be nice? Funny how the devil almost makes me believe that it feels good to feel bad.

Somedays I forget about the book I once read by Max Lucado called "It's Not About Me". The truth is, it's about God. Everything is about God. My very existance is about God. HE DIED FOR ME. What should I do for the One that died for me? I should be living, breathing, speaking, moving for God. I am such a selfish, ridiculous sinner.

Tomorrow I am going to refocus my thoughts and my priorities. I am going to wake up and start my day with God. I am going to be available to Him in any way I can. I am going to do my Bible reading. I am going to ask Him to use me tomorrow in a positive way, to show a glimpse of Him somehow, to someone. I'm going to call a friend, and encourage them. I'm going to live my life to honour the One who died for me... and I am going to start with tomorrow.

Ah, now I feel just a little bit better.

But all of us who are Christians... reflect like mirrors the glory of the Lord.

~ 2 Corinthians 3:18 ~


Jolene said...

Thanks for your honest post. I thought I was the only one who was "out of focus!"

Trev and Rebekah said...

Sorry I haven't been there to encourage you the way you have encouraged me last week. I love you lots and look forward to the weekend. It's okay to be in a slump and recognize it. I am slowly getting out of mine and it feels so much better. Try spending time with Jesus when James is down or when he's down for bed time?

Erica H said...

Ironically, I have been feeling the same way lately. Sometimes I feel like God took me out of my "comfort zone", away from my family, friends and everything familiar, to remind me to make Jesus my best friend. I have had to refocus since being plopped in the middle of nowhere - where the only human beings I know are my husband and daughter! But I have Jesus, too - and He wants nothing more than for us to make Him our number one priority. Thank you for your honest post!

Janelle said...

i listened to this song today. and when i read your post - for some reason i felt the need to post it here for you...
(one thing - hillsong)

One thing
One thing I desire
One thing I seek
To gaze upon Your beauty
Your majesty

In the day of trouble
You cover me
In the secret place of refuge
Lord I will sing

So I pray to You
So I pray to You

Lord Your Name is higher than the heavens, Lord Your Name is higher than all created things
Higher than hope
Higher than dreams
The Name of the Lord

All I want is You
All I want is You