Thursday, August 23

Vicious Baby

This vicious baby attack was caught on camera today. The mother was in soggy, and somewhat bitten condition, but remained mostly unharmed.


Andrea said...

hahaha....that is too funny and cute!! I know Tate loves to hit the top of my head...hmmm...he thinks it's funny for some reason! :)

Nin said...

lol.....sigh.....story of my life too

Domestic Bloggess said...

That is AWESOME! I have a similar pic of Palmer doing much the same to my mom. Kids are priceless!

Renee Shaw said...

too cute!!

Jilly said...

Hey Heather. I'm so sorry we ended up not being able to get together :( I was really looking forward to meeting you guys, but I guess we'll just have to wait until some other time. Hope James is feeling better :)

Jamie said...

Wow, that's awful - I hope you reported the offender... :)

Darlene Schacht said...

I got your letter today :) Thank you!

I'm looking forward to this bloggers brunch.

Anonymous said...

Those pics are so adorable!!!

Becky said...

LOL. The narration is almost as funny as the pictures. Love it.

Gina said...

And you got it on camera! That's truly amazing. I was a bite victim but usually as I as nursing. Now...

Christy said...

Hey Heather! I am just wondering how CIO is going? We started for the first time last night. I was miserable but I know we need to do it. How long did it take? Is he sleeping through the night now?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Christy - I'm sorry you had to do the CIO thing! It is NO fun! James was doing really well with it - he was finally down to waking up once a night, whining for 5-8 minutes and then sleeping until morning. It was great! Then he got sick with that Hand, Foot & Mouth - and was waking up many times through the night. We obviously couldn't do CIO while he was sick, so we went in to be with him. Now we are back to the drawing board! We have to start over again this week, last night being our first night of CIO again. He woke up once, at 1:30am, cried for almost an hour, and then slept until morning. No fun. However, it doesn't take too long, and it gets better and better. They seem to catch on pretty quickly. Did you go into the room at all? I would suggest that you don't go into the room at all. For James, he cries less and cries for less time if we do not go in at all. If we go in, he just gets mad that we aren't picking him up. Good luck! Hope tonight goes better than the last! It won't take long, and you'll be getting good sleep.

Trail Rider said...

do you still wear james????

I hope elishah never decides she's done with that. I still absoulutly LOVE wearing her!

Anonymous said...

I don't wear James very often anymore - mostly because he prefers to be "self-propelled", and I've been having some back problems since late June. I probably need some type of new carrier, but don't know which one to invest in - they run pretty high for a good one.

Christy said...

Hi Heather! We did CIO on Friday night and yes it was no fun. But last night she slept great. So I am not sure if it has anything to do with us doing CIO. We will see how tonight goes. She is in her crib but her crib is in our room. She is going to be sharing a room with her big brother so I don't want to move her until she is sleeping through the night. But my Mom figures that she is waking because she is in our room. Tristan was in his own room at 4 months and we never had night waking with him after that. So I will give it a couple more nights. If it doesn't work then we will move her into their room and move him into our room for a couple nights to see if that makes a difference. Thanks for the advice! I will keep you posted!