Sunday, May 13

First Mother's Day

Happy (somewhat belated) Mother's Day to all you mothers, soon-to-be mothers, future mothers, friends of mothers, etc, etc! I hope you had a good one.
We celebrated Mother's Day with a bit of a sleep-in after a HORRIBLE night with James. I'm not even going to talk about it, it was just that bad. We went to church, and Ryan's uncle Stan took care of James during the service - so we were free to actually listen to the sermon (which was quite good too). We then came home, got James packed up and took him to my parent's place while we took off to the city to go to the mall and for a little drive. We then met up with them, and my grandma for supper at a little Japanese Sushi & Buffet restaurant. All in all it was a good day. James wrote me a letter (it was very cute), my dad gave me a really cool plant, and Ryan gave me coupons for various things like back massages (from him), a family picnic, etc. It was very special to be honored in that way. I think I am really going to like Mother's Day in a long run.
In other news, James is basically sitting on his own! In the photo he has the Boppy for support - but that is more or less to cushion his occassional tumbles. He is doing really good with it though, and appears to be very proud of himself. He is also teething like crazy! This kid can soak a shirt in drool in two minutes flat! He pretty much slimes everything and everyone he touches. Not to mention the chewing! He chews everything right now, even the edge of his highchair when he can. I am just waiting now to see some teeth popping through. He's creeping up to that 6 month mark now at high speed - I can't believe it's almost been half a year! No one told me it was going to fly by at warp speed - they just said it goes by fast.


Drea said...

congrats on him sitting up. sorry you had a rough night...
I remember though loving when Caleb could sit up. It was a huge milestone for us! Next comes crawling ;-) oh let the fun begin!!

Domestic Bloggess said...

Happy 1st Mother's Day to you Heather! Here's hoping you get a good sleep tonight (for his sake and for yours!)

Kell Rees said...

I'm right there with you on the getting no sleep and terrible nights. But like you are already realizing time flys by and one day you will look back on this and it won't seem so bad.

I hope you had a happy 1st mothers day!

Jamie said...

Happy mother's day! Way to go James on sitting up - now he has a whole new perspective on life :)

Summer said...

Happy Mother's Day!!!

-Me- said...

Dear James:

Way to go on starting to sit up, what a big boy you are becoming!!! I hope that you will not give mommy and daddy too hard of a time at night time for too much longer!!!

Amber said...

I'm glad you had a good first Mother's Day!!

Nin said...

it's always funny to read your little updates on James, cuz my little one is always a couple steps ahead of James, so everything you share is always something I just finished going through. It's neat..... these babes are so fun : )
Yes the first year goes by at warp speed, never to be seen again. I was just thinking about that yesterday, looking at my not so little one.....remembering that I was just there with my daughter like it was yesterday, and she's 6! So crazy!